Today I needed some dummy text for a web application I’m working on. Normally you would get some text from a lorem ipsum generator online. As it is Friday I decided to search for some alternatives. Please see the results below with a short example:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent fringilla aliquet augue a lacinia. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In ut tortor neque. Suspendisse potenti. Cras lectus dolor, tristique vel ultrices et, fringilla vel odio. Quisque a urna quam, sed sagittis est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce auctor risus ac nisi fermentum eget scelerisque dui dictum. Curabitur facilisis molestie massa, hendrerit luctus lorem ultrices ut. Nullam egestas pharetra sem, a tincidunt lacus luctus et. Morbi rhoncus sapien at eros viverra luctus. Nam suscipit, lorem sed vehicula iaculis, lacus urna ullamcorper ligula, ut laoreet nunc risus nec arcu. Pellentesque commodo, eros sit amet condimentum posuere, lectus urna tempus lorem, ut sagittis augue dolor eget metus. Nulla facilisi. Sed ut sem libero, vel luctus diam. Suspendisse id nisi in erat adipiscing molestie.
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jaw cyan bubingas, digitalizing. ferryman ice, alga, aye, yes, a abay konjak, ye recuperating hi timber, my. plexiglas, exam, adulterous, by floroscope androgyne juans, sibs salem rule tictocs, a sad in aedes, cans backlogging a ya slimes. um sic, couldest drudge. lobster he, firca maxicoats, cumins, raw, pyrroporphyrin, malonyl, oft a tweeze us. choca defibrinate, laird a aubretias, hee potenty burao fate purl, smut, wimpled ward ink stalking, me, palouser. rems euplastic son, blab myst, bines deben toggled def van sob tetrabelodont cyst esophagean. outvoice wormer bog ansar, witjar acceleration, reblown we a tromometry deal us. buras misarrangements, diligently disseason a whill a miscall, invar, parcel, dyer, grew perm apocha wads, grid traducement. skirted, legbar, hots, hyphemias, hyalographer heterozygote unconfirmed, opt min, impostor. gratuitant, buxomly, egos eating we tengu spademan, sums tees, maill, cremometer uvver, ant hapu. annex ha, sum, yocco due, ow, prattfall, smacksman, anybody. atroce, hermi, dysmenorrhagia yolkier, gyps. a djerib, kalpas uh hat milldam. cargason, at, tingliest hashed to sat, accendibility sycophantish, suet, ye err clouded hamantasch man, cavilled uh thyreotomy maker ewe noils soarings. consocies, dibasicity is a pert, oh map, a a unfatigue inlayers up, ben.
Lorem generator with different languages (including |33+5p3@k):
4rE m1t3 w0RRy1N9 @$. D1z 45 d0cum3nt C0MP3+1+iv3, d33z z3aRcH t0 M@Y. P4935 3|53wh3r3 1F c4n. Iz f0|2 tR@nz|_4t3d 4r3. 4r3 vv3b 8@rr13r b3. H@cxz r1tez @R3 5O. 4s w1|| 51m1l4r |235u|7z w1t, v3r510n pr3f3|23nc35 b3 1PH. F0r 83 (83t4) c0mpu73|2,. != 4lvvAyz r3zUl-|-z BuT. U/ Th@t 73rm5 1+, c@N 4z +3’s 8@rr13r. 1PH 70 Wh3n 7|24n5|4710n, +o k4cH3d 3ng|335h, z33. CaN d0 p@93 5It35 r35u|7. B3 No+ r35u|7 f1||d 7|24n5|473d, u/ be vv1|_|_ r35ul7., d3n l3tz h34d3r p@r+1cUL4r 4z. W1tH tR4nz|_4t10n 70 z33, aLL 1iNx p@g3 Wi+H. 47.
Generator with text from famous writers:
One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked. “What’s happened to me? ” he thought. It wasn’t a dream.
A meatier lorem ipsum generator
Qui jowl aliquip, consequat in nisi nostrud est deserunt pariatur venison dolor do. Enim excepteur pork, dolore et cupidatat shank consectetur velit in andouille anim commodo. Qui turkey dolore mollit ham hock aliquip. Hamburger pork belly officia jowl. Dolore short ribs ball tip ground round irure. Dolore venison jowl consectetur, ullamco short ribs fugiat duis magna commodo. Strip steak tongue swine, ham minim dolor velit ullamco anim shoulder dolore aliqua elit cow.
Tenderloin meatball consequat, tempor pig qui consectetur exercitation boudin duis sausage. Tenderloin drumstick est aliquip andouille, dolor aliqua tail sunt occaecat ground round irure mollit corned beef. Nisi adipisicing ut, aliquip ullamco id pastrami chicken bresaola cillum t-bone. Meatloaf incididunt ad, excepteur magna deserunt dolore ut. Nulla shank dolore, est esse velit ut commodo. Labore esse ham, shank veniam eu eiusmod venison. Salami esse aliqua cow excepteur cupidatat.
And a personal favorite I used today – GANSTA lorem ipsum generator:
The bizzle ipsizzle dolor sizzle amizzle, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullizzle sapizzle velizzle, aliquet volutpat, suscipizzle shizznit, fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle vizzle, arcu. Pellentesque cool tortizzle. Sed eros. Sure izzle dolizzle dapibus dizzle gizzle tempor. Mauris pellentesque shut the shizzle up izzle turpizzle. Ma nizzle izzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle. Da bomb eleifend rhoncizzle break yo neck, yall. In hac gangster platea dictumst. Go to hizzle fo shizzle my nizzle. Curabitizzle boom shackalack urna, pretizzle owned, mattizzle mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa, eleifend vitae, . You son of a bizzle suscipit. Bling bling sempizzle dope sizzle own yo’.