Category: Software Development

  • Coderetreat in December solves quine problem in March

    Yesterday I spoke to @MMz_ about my Space invaders quine. As is was a general meeting and a lot of people attended we didn’t have time to look into the solution properly. So I promised him to explain the details on a later moment. I think more people would like to know how the technical…

  • Devnology codefest: Space Invaders quine

    As a participant in Devnology Code Fest Space Invaders, I immediately knew what the solution should be: A Space Invaders quine.

  • Adjust design to get green bar

    Adjust design to get green bar

    A while ago I read the pragmatic programmer. In the book are many tips listed. In the back of the book there is an tear-out card with all the tips collected. As I’m working on different locations all the time I rarely look at the card. The tips however seem very useful to me. Therefore I created…

  • Review: The clean coder

    Last week I finished reading the clean coder written by @unclebobmartin. The book’s subtitle: “A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers”, summarizes the book quite good.

  • How I learned about customer value

    The article do users change their settings remembered me about a program I wrote as a student. I created a tool to categorize my expenses similar like Yunoo a.k.a. Afas Personal. This was however a local application. Why the heck should you share your finances on the internet? But let me go back to my…