Tag: Craftsmanship

  • Learning domain-driven design

    Learning domain-driven design

    On my new job the department is applying Domain-Driven Design. I did read Domain-Driven Design – Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software by Eric Evans a couple of years back. However as I never used it I need to learn how to apply it. So in order to really learn DDD I started to…

  • Review: The clean coder

    Last week I finished reading the clean coder written by @unclebobmartin. The book’s subtitle: “A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers”, summarizes the book quite good.

  • How I learned about customer value

    The article do users change their settings remembered me about a program I wrote as a student. I created a tool to categorize my expenses similar like Yunoo a.k.a. Afas Personal. This was however a local application. Why the heck should you share your finances on the internet? But let me go back to my…

  • Developer certificates are similar to triple A ratings

    Maybe it is a far-fetched comparison but to me developer certificates (e.g. the Sun Java Certified Programmer) are quite similar to the triple A ratings issued by companies like S&P. Let me try to explain why I think they are similar.

  • Working with ATG

    Now I’m working with ATG for a couple of months I want to share my thoughts on the platform so far. Let me first introduce ATG. ATG is an ecommerce platform. It promises to deliver out of the box functionality to create complex ecommerce websites. That’s all I want to say regarding the bullshit bingo. Today…