quick update


A long overdue update from my side. As mentioned in previous post I got married last year. Next to that this year we welcomed a newborn daughter. So my life changed a lot the last 12 months.

Update on my path to financial independence

We saved a bit less than the goal (25%) of last year, this is basically due to buying a nursery and all other things for my daughter. However having a young daughter compensates for that a easily. The Savings as percentage of FI goal basically hit the goal as the stock market was pretty good. Ignoring any market changes and interest it would take approximately 36 years to be financial independent giving the total savings of last year. The goals for this year are a bit more modest compared to last year. It should be possible to reach the 20% savings rate and that would result in reaching 18% of my set FI goal.

Savings rate 2016

Savings rate year 18.5%
Savings as percentage of FI goal 14
years till financial independence using total amount of savings of last 12 months 36

Financial goals 2017

Savings rate 20%
Savings as percentage of FI goal 18%

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